Monday, 22 June 2009


Last week I informed you that I finally had made the decision to leave The Netherlands and go abroad. Just two weeks later the message that I have accepted a job offer in Utrecht in the heart of The Netherlands. I feel a little bit like a windvane, going along with every wind. But I am convinced that I am not doing justice to myself by doing so.

Just one day after taking the decision to go abroad I received an invitation for a job interview and I decided to go; let's just see what happens - at least I have got free coffee. It went fine - I felt very relaxed and sailed through the interview. A second interview went also fine and so the third. And then I received the job offer and I had to decide what to do: stick to my original plans or take the job offer. I have decided to do the latter and to keep my plans to move abroad in my head and go on with the preparation.

So, I still have to get used to the idea to stay. Somehow it frightens me; is it still the best decision - will I not make the same mistakes as in the past ? But OK; I did not give my soul away and every decision can be reversed. So let's enjoy the fact that I will receive some money in the near future and can be productive in a job. Utrecht here I come again.

As of 15 August 2009 I will be programme manager at an institute for multicultural affairs in Utrecht, mainly financed by the government; a combination of networking, managerial and legal tasks - I think a good combination. I will step in at roughly the same salary level as I left my last employer; more than I could expect.

Now it is time to relax. I will visit a friend in Germany who will become 50 later this month and add a couple of days making a trip through Eastern and Northern Germany. Furthermore my father is going to help me fix a new wooden floor in my apartment in two weeks. That makes my apartment easier to rent out ... in a year or so.

Sunday, 14 June 2009



Finally the decision is made: I am going to leave the country. First for a couple of months, but with the intention for a longer period. Never burn your bridges behind you and never sell the fur of the bear before you shot it (several Dutch cliché sayings packed in one sentence).

It will not come as a surprise that I have chosen for the US and/or Canada to go to. Not the easiest countries because it is not easy for outsiders to get into the country and to get a job. I have applied for a Green Card and the outcome should be available as of July 1 – it will make things a lot easier if I would get one. Maybe I am lucky for once.

Before I can leave still a lot has to be done and a lot of questions have to be answered. As a help for myself I will try to give an overview of all the different things that have to be dealt with:


Money is a big issue with every decision I take: I will not have any income as of 1 July 2009; quite scary but I knew it was coming. For money I made some financial arrangements with my parents, but I do not want to become dependant on them. Independency is an important thing for my self-worth. So I need a job; just one day after I made the decision I was invited for a job interview and on Friday this week already a second interview is taking place. But it is in Holland; I have decided to take it seriously and just see what will happen. I can always say NO.
Points of action:
1. Contacting my bank for advice;
2. Necessary to open my own bank account in US ?;
3. Can I continue internet-banking on my Dutch bank account ?;
4. Is it wise to mandate someone in NL to deal with financial issues in NL ?;


The main question I am asked by friends and relatives is: what are you going to do in the US and how are you going to make a living ? Although these are logical questions I refuse to answer them: answers will come and I asked these questions to myself all over and over again. I will not let doubts of others ruin my enthusiasm.
Points of action:
1. Doing remaining job interviews in the current application procedure in NL;
2. Make an inventory of voluntary activities in SF: arts, gay activism …?!
3. Doing research on job possibilities in US;
4. Doing research on formalities concerning work permits;


The Netherlands has a fantastic social security system (mainly pension rights) and I should be careful to not unnecessarily throw away valuable rights by moving out of the country. Not very interesting issue, but better be safe than sorry. Luckily I have got a friend who knows a lot about these issues.
Points of action:
1. Contacting my friend what to do;
2. Contacting my pension fund ABP and FNP for advise;


One of the main issues I have to deal with while still in Holland is housing: this means what to do with my apartment in The Hague as well as where to stay in SF. I hate it to stand with my suitcase at the airport and to not know where to go. Someone advised me to look for expats to rent my apartment to while being abroad. This was one of the main incentives to pull me over the line to actually go. It gives me some financial means and I still have a place to stay when I return (if I return … ). But renting out is easier said than done: my mortgage owner has to agree as well as the union of apartment owners (VvE). To find someone who wants to rent my house should be the least of a problem: expats enough and housing agencies advert with “someone for your apartment in 24 hours”. I still have to inform what are the necessary requirements and what is a reasonable rent to ask: 1100 Euros I see as a minimum. And then there is still the question which adjustments and renovations are necessary to make it rentable.
Points of action:
1. Contacting housing agency for possibilities;
2. Making adjustments / renovations in my apartment (floor ?!);
3. Informing bank, VvE, neighbours;
4. What to do with my personal items, car, bike etc. ? – contact my parents;
5. Looking for housing in SF;
6. Looking for tax deductions with Dutch tax authorities;
7. To reorganize my personal belongings and preparing for my move;


One of the main problems when going to another country is how can you prove that you have the necessary qualifications. Because almost no one in the US can speak Dutch or anything else than English I have to prove that I have a Master Degree in Law and I can speak English. Furthermore as long as it is not possible to legally work, may be I can do a course.
Points of action:
1. Make an inventory of all my wishes for extra knowledge / courses;
2. Look for educational possibilities in US;
3. Let my diplomas be translated in English;
4. Check whether it is essential or desirable to do an English exam;


It is worthwhile to check travel offers; it is still a lot of money to travel by plane and lucrative offers are available – this may influence the actual date of leaving.
Points of action:
1. Checking offers air carriers;


There are not many possibilities to organize means of transport in the US from Europe, but maybe there are special offers for foreigners which can only be entered into before you enter the US. Is my Dutch drivers’ license valid in the USA and are there special requirements to buy / rent a car ?
Points of action:
1. Check offers for foreigners on tourist and transportation in US;
2. Phone Dutch AAA for specific requirements concerning USA / Canada;


Health is a big issue; it can become very costly when something happens and it would mean a big and irresponsible risk to travel without proper health insurance. Also do I have to arrange something to be able to take with me the only travel companion I can not go without: the ever reliable anti-depressants (or should I try to cut down on the amount once again ?).

What if something happens overthere and I need a doctor urgently. Can I go to any hospital or does my health insurer only reimburse costs made at specific hospitals and doctors ? Not an easy world we live in.
Points of action:
1. Ask doctor for specific prescription for a longer period;
2. Ask doctor for a declaration that I need my medication (to avoid getting charged with possession of drugs; I have got problems enough);
3. Check health insurance whether it covers medical costs incurred in the US or Canada and which costs;
4. Buy basic medical needs to take with me;


Communication is key when you go abroad. People overhere have to know I am still alive and kicking and that I am not laying in the gutter or have jumped from Golden Gate Bridge. Off course I could go to an internet café to use e-mail, but for me that is too basic. I want to take the time to write on my blog or to consult the internet at a moment convenient for me: whether it is at 1.00 at night or 11.00 in the morning. To get complete internet coverage and full-time access to a computer does not seem realistic. So there has to be a laptop and this is the first step I took already: I bought a laptop – a basic one but with all the features. As a former computer nitwit it took some time to become acquainted with the thing, but I can deal with it now. Except the wifi-function I have tested all the functions and I am very pleased with the thing. This laptop should symbolize a new start !

Last time I was in the US my mobile did not work; probably because it is so expensive to phone by mobile from the US to Europe with a prepaid, that you are not able to say anything before you run out of credit. It is essential to change the prescription. Or maybe I should buy a prescription in the US ?

I took some precautions also to be able to listen to music while on the road. In SF I bought an i-pod and I uploaded (or should it be downloaded ?) loads of music to it. Only the proper ear phones are still missing.
Points of action:
1. Buy proper ear phones for i-pod and laptop;
2. Download all the software I might need on my laptop;
3. What to do with my internet and phone provider in NL while I am away ?
4. Test the wifi-function on my laptop;
5. Change the prescription of my mobile phone or take a prescription in the US?;


Last but certainly not least: what is it all worth if you are not able to enter the country or to leave after a few weeks ? Formalities; nobody’s favorite but I have to admit that I am quite good at it – I know what I have to do and I know my ways in bureaucratic stuff; that is where my legal background comes in. A lot of formalities have to be dealt with long before you can go and may define if you can go or not and your date of departure. I applied for a Green Card a long time ago and it should not be long until I receive a decision; it will make it all a lot easier. They do not know what they are missing when they refuse me entering the country on a more permanent basis.
Points of action:
1. Check the validity of my passport and drivers’ licence;
2. Check formalities at websites American and Canadian Embassies;
3. Check website American State Department for Green Card;

You see. It is possible to take a spontaneous decision to go abroad for a couple of months … Preparing is key and maybe it is partly my perfectionist personality that this list goes on and on. I’ll keep you posted.