Monday, 8 December 2008


Dear reader,

I made a promise to myself to only write positive things on my weblog and I do not want to break that promise. But today I am sad; not just a little bit sad - you could say very sad. I can not ignore it; it is a part of me which I can not deny and which has partly made me to what I am today. A simple Monday; the weather is grey - everyone is going to work and I am just thinking: "what is the use of it all ?". In a few weeks another year will start and I will say to myself "this is going to be my year" and the intentions and the drive are there, but no one is waiting for me and I do not want to depend on the saddening world around me. I want also change !! Some fresh new people, ideals, drive, passion, companionship and the next year I am sure I will work to get these. Sometimes though all hope leaves me and this is one of those days. It will go better in a few days, I know as well. How can I get back on track and be true to myself:

  • spend some time getting to know myself;

  • act;

  • conquer fear: take risks;

  • stand up for myself;

  • set personal goals;

  • express my emotions;

  • learn from - or let go of - mistakes;

  • do things on my own - do not rely on others to make you feel good;

  • do not compare myself to others;

  • associate with people who affirm who you are;

  • learn to say "no";

  • practice truthfulness;

  • practice positive affirmations;

  • find things I enjoy;

  • use visualization techniques;

  • enhance my ability to cope with stress;

  • shun perfectionism;

  • make a list of my accomplishments;

  • live in the moment;

  • do things for others;

OK, I have got it. Let's do it !! Next time I feel better. Till then,


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