Saturday, 3 January 2009


For my sister the new year started with a shock. She was phoned at 1.30 at night on 1 January that the salon where she works was on fire. She rushed out of bed and drove to the salon to look after the interests. After the fire brigade had put the fire out it turned out that the damage was not too serious. A rocket had set fire to the roof and the entrance was set alight. Besides the annoying water and soot damage they were able to open the salon on Friday. As support I put up a link to their website as well as a link to the message on the website of the local newspaper.

This is already the second post on fire and my weblog is only three months old. And I hate fire ! Why bother us with it then, you might say?! It illustrates perfectly the point I was making in my post of 30 December 2008 on my hopes for my country: less patronizing. How come ? Two current discussions in my country concern a ban on commercial fireworks and a compulsory installation of fire alarms in homes.

It will not surprise you that I am not a fan of a ban on fireworks; not because I want to let off fireworks myself or because I do not see the dangers of fireworks, but simply because a ban does not work !! At this moment it is prohibited in my country to let off firecrackers etcetera before 10 AM on 31 December. Obviously it is not a priority for the police to enforce this ban, because I hear nothing but firecrackers for the last two weeks, and little priority is OK. A ban only increases the "charm". It is all about education and taking responsibility (parents ?!).

With its tradition of patronizing you would suspect that Dutch parliament would support compulsory fire alarms in homes. Wrong !! I do not know the reasoning. If I had to be patronizing, this was one of the first measures I would take. Because it can save yourself, the people you live with, the neighbours and the community so much sorrow if you can control a fire yourself. I experienced it.

My advice:

1. Buy a.s.a.p. a fire alarm, if you do not own one already;
2. Install it in a central place in your home or property (f.e. hallway or kitchen);
3. Check the battery regularly !!!
4. Leave information where you can be reached (especially for offices, shops etc.);
5. Consider the purchase of a fire extinguisher;
6. Read the manual of the fire extinguisher !!!
7. Not only read 1 to 6 but also do them (wel doen hoor!).

For the next few years or so no post on fire anymore. I promise !!

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