First question: why do museums always have to close their doors for years and years for renovation ? Of course they want to do it thoroughly and they want to have it look nice and usually they manage to do so. But if you have your plans ready, the contractor chosen and the finances arranged you can start and do the job, or am I naive ? The costs usually get completely out of control , questions are being asked, decisions to be reconsidered. In the meantime Amsterdam's reputation as a tourist magnet is deteriorating.
Second question: which marketing genius has decided that both the Rijksmuseum and the Stedelijk Museum have to be renovated at the same time ? People come from all over the world and want to see these museums (usually after they have been to the Vincent van Gogh Museum); very frustrating if they get to the museum and have to read that they are closed. I have experienced that myself several times I was abroad. Luckily the Rijks has been able to display the star pieces in a small wing of the museums.
OK; back to the Nieuwe Kerk. I was curious to see what the influence of religion on modern art was. In my opinion modern art is a sort of rebellion against the dogmas and conservatism of the small-mindedness of the civil society, which includes religion; is religion now becoming a protest ? It started with a room with ironic and humoristic protests against the influence of religion on modern society. In my opinion also the most interesting room. I like art that has a message, without being too moralizing and leaving some room for interpretation.

These two pieces I really liked. Not because they are so beautiful or nice to watch, but because these are pieces that have something to say and lead to mixed and fierce reactions (although certainly with Jeff Koons you need some explanation before you get the meaning). The church as mass hysteria that refuses to keep up with time.
The rest of the exhibition did not stick into my mind and with some works I thought the link with religion was too far-fetched. In my opinion it is not spiritual, transcedental or religious simply because there is a cross somewhere in the picture. Some of them are also successors of the religious paintings of the past, which are usually vague, with pastels and dreamy atmosphere. I like pictures to be big, confronting and with bold colours. How come ?!

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