Monday, 12 January 2009


This week I have got a busy week and little time to update my blog. On Thursday a job interview in Amsterdam and maybe a new start - I am in charge and I decide whether I want it or not. If they want me, that is. I will fill you in at the end of this week.


To bridge the gap till then another music video. This time "Remind me" of Røyksopp (first time I used the "ø" on my keyboard !). What I like is that they kept their Norwegian name, even when it is unpronouncable for non-Norwegians. Not everything has to be anglicized. Røyksopp are masters of electro-lounge-smooth-ambient-dance music (pick what you like) and how can I leave this song on the shelf if it is accompanied by such a brilliant video. Especially for the graphic designers among us !

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