Sunday, 1 February 2009


It was already for months on my wish list but last Tuesday I finally managed to actually go to a lesson: Bikram Yoga. I went together with a friend and we needed to motivate eachother to actually go in the freezing cold; it is easier to stay on the couch.

Bikram Yoga is "hot yoga" - in a heat of 45 degrees Celsius (which is bearable when you sit on your mat) you have to do 26 positions in total in a period of 90 minutes (which is not bearable when you want to finish it). The positions are in fact not that difficult but in a heat of 45 degrees everything gets difficult; it all gets wet, slippery and stinky. And a teacher is walking around like a drill instructor: shoulders down, stomach in, legs higher, do not drink water ... 90 minutes long.

Though it is very healthy for your immune system, because you sweat out all the poisonous fluids in your system, and you get increasingly flexible. We survived and we are going for a second time on Tuesday. The second lesson is for free - for real Dutchmen that is the real incentive to go. I must say it feels wonderful afterwards - you feel fit and refreshed.

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