Thursday, 26 March 2009


I started this short series with only one post in mind; than it was getting more and more and now I am on four posts on the same subject. But don't worry; there will not be more. My last reflections on SF:

it is fun to walk in the supermarket and look at products you do not know at home; I had a talk with the guy at the fish department on a fish called mahi-mahi, supposedly living in the Pacific - completely unknown to me; it was marinated with coconut and macadamia-nuts; surprising combination;

On the last day I took a bus to the beaches of San Francisco on the Pacific side; beautiful cliffs and views; felt like you were somewhere far away from the city; did not see a mahi-mahi though;

Had a chat with Lindsay, the manager of the oyster bar I was before. Is she flirting with me? Got some wine on the house (saved me $ 9 a glass!!); sorry that it was on my last day - she could have shown me a bit of town; promised that I would write positively about here; no reason to do otherwise; Lindsay, you are a great person and sorry it did not work out;

Time to say goodbye; at SF International airport it was a mess; they changed the type of airplane at the last minute; 50 people could not join us for the flight to Washington DC and all the people who checked in on the internet had to check in again; I held on tight to my seat;

Stopover at Washington DC - extremely busy airport; was surprised nobody checked my passport - there are so many security measures and the most basic one, the passport, is not checked; strange;

Had a good flight; found in my suitcase a message of the American authorities that my bag was checked; got annoyed; why not ask me ?; I would have liked to be present; what if they put drugs in my suitcase or take something out? I have got no proof - letter to the ambassador I published on the net before;

Returned safely home. Hope to get back soon. I really enjoyed SF and California.

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