Friday, 15 May 2009


It has been a busy week! Normally I would have written some messages, but somehow I did not manage this week. Some events:
  • on Friday May 8 I went to see my shrink (oh, how I hate this word) in her practice near Deventer in the east of the Netherlands; normally I see her near Leiden. It was a good session which gave me insight in the situation I am in and the direction I am heading for; I am not ready to write it down on my weblog but I will inform you soon. First I have to digest the decisions I have taken and stick to them;

  • on Saturday May 9 I bought a new bicycle with my dad; as I have written my bike was stolen and at first I did not want to buy a new bicycle immediately; but my father convinced me that I really needed a bike to get around (do I?) and we went on a small tour to find a suitable second hand bike; I am really happy with the bike we found: only 125 euros (a 50%-discount) and a good brand; in the meantime my back light came off and my carrier straps snapped, but I am still happy with this temporary solution;

  • on Sunday May 10 (a beautiful day by the way) we had a family reunion at my parents' house with my mothers' side of the family - the German side; although I hate to tell over and over again why I am doing what I am doing, it was a very enjoyable day; in the end the thought of it was worse than the actual day; I had to play with all the kids the whole day;

  • on Tuesday May 11 back in The Hague I met with my "refugee" from Iraq; we went for a drink in a bar at the beach and had an intense talk about religion (like always) and politics (also like always); but it is always nice to hear from someone with a different perspective and I admire his courage and perseverance;

  • on Wednesday May 12 I had an information evening on the upcoming European elections; I volunteered to be a chairman at a polling station and I was informed by the city council on all the formalities and eventualities; I have to reread all the information, because it is very complicated with all the different forms and passports which can be presented; after a 20 years with electronic voting we are going back to voting with the red pencil; let's see how it works out on June 4!!; I am only unhappy that I have to be unpartial...

  • on Thursday May 13 I had meetings with my coaches, which was very intense. Because it was a beautiful day I took my new bike for a tour of 30 kilometres; first to Voorburg for session no. 1 and then to Leiden for lunch and then to Oegstgeest for session no.2; under way I met my former secretary, who came from the company doctor - again one strong person who suffered from a burn-out, like 3 of the 4 Management Team-members; OK, I should not get upset, but someone has to do something about it;

  • today, Friday May 14 I had an application interview at a recruitment agency; all went well, I am getting more and more comfortable in just being me and I know I can be convincable; Last week I took a decision and I asked Anja, my psychologist, to help me continue along these lines - that makes it more complicated - more later !
Because I had a good week, just a funny picture and my hope that next week will even be better!

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