Saturday, 25 July 2009


The last week I made a small tour through Germany after visiting friends in Kiel in Northern Germany. It is already quite a number of years ago when I made for the last time a road trip (was it Norway or Ireland ?) and now I remember how enjoyable it is. Windows open, relaxed attitude, nice weather, go as you please. What do you want else ? And in Germany the prices for food and lodging are very reasonable.

As a half-German I feel very much at home in Germany and I do speak the language. That helps ! It was interesting to see how much Eastern Germany has changed after the fall of The Mauer; it is not recognisable as a former socialist republic anymore.

Cities I visited: Ratzeburg, Luneburg, Celle, Goslar, Quedlinburg, Stolberg. Especially advisable a day-tour through the Harz-area in Middle-Germany (Lower-Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt); beautiful area not overrun by tourists. OK, that was the local tourist office ! To get you into the mood, some images. Tip: Visit Quedlinburg - magical fairy tale city in former East Germany.

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