Tuesday, 6 January 2009



Hello ! What is this ? My blog is in English and this is not English. You are right; it is time for some Russian.

For a long time Russia has my special interest now. When I studied law in the late 80s Russia, or better the Soviet Union as it was called then (remember ?!), was the big enemy and in first instance the relationship between East and West (military, politically and economically) was my main subject of study ... until Reagan and Gorbatsjov thought it was necessary to change it all and my study of international relations changed overnight into a study of modern history. I did not let it happen and switched to the European Union as subject of study.

My fascination for the communist era remained. I read books of Marx and books on Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev and visited every country in former communist Eastern Europe except Romania. A special experience was the first and only time I went to Moscow; to stand there on Red Square in front of the Kremlin and to visit Lenin's tomb (bizarre !) was something I never forget.

Let me get this straight. I know of the horrors of communism and I am lucky I did not have to suffer under the rigidity of the regime, but it still is fascinating that people developed a system that worked totally different from the ones before. It also helped us in the West to rethink the rough edges of capitalism.

Besides the Russian classic works of literature, I also like Russian propaganda posters. This is one of the reasons why my blog is called "Red Star"; a simple and powerful symbol. Below is a picture of the propaganda poster which is hanging in my office at home. Although original posters from the period before WWII are valuable this one is not worth stealing: it is a copy. The text on the poster reads "1918 - 1948 HAIL TO THE GLORIOUS SOVIET ARMY !". Very nice for such a peaceful guy as yours truly.

Now I have decided to take my interest for Russia one step further. As a follow up of my course in American History of last year I have now decided to do a course on Politics and Culture of Russia at the University of Leiden and to refresh my knowledge of the Russian language. It starts in February and more on that later.

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