Tuesday, 23 December 2008


As I wrote earlier I decided to quit my job as project coordinator Human Resources for a large Dutch development organisation last year because I felt that I needed a time to reflect to what I want from life. It was not an easy decision and with hindsight I should have taken the decision several years earlier. But OK; there must be a reason for taking this decision last year.

It is refreshing to be able to live your own life for a while and not be taken up by all the meaningless nitty-gritty of working life in a corporate environment. I liked the people though and I really miss the social interaction with colleagues. The last period I took the time to peel off all the layers of dirt, adaptation, and frustration to be able to live the life I want. Now it is time to build it all up. For me having work is essential. I need all the help I can get to reach my goals. Tips, suggestions and job offers (why not?) are welcome at my e-mail address
em2@ziggo.nl . Thank you very much,


What do I want ? I know it is a lot to wish for but I do not expect to realize all of them in one go.


I have got a master degree in International Law of the University of Utrecht (founded 1636), but I never saw myself as a "lawyer". With hindsight it would have been better to have studied History, Literature, Psychology or something similar vague, but OK, within the legal field international law is the discipline closest to moral issues, social justice and questions of war and peace. These issues are far more interesting than whether you violate article so-and-so of the so-and-so Act.
What I need is stimulation of the brain and thinking of new options and better solutions. Being creative on an academic level.


For me it is essential to do something in the general interest. Just working for the money or for myself is too empty; I have to do something that makes sense and "contributes to making the world a better place". Money is of secondary importance - although some cash is more than welcome and good results demand good pay !


Learn from the past, live in the present and harvest in the future. I like change and rethinking things; traditions are fine, but if they have no function anymore, chuck them overboard. Times change and what was OK one day does not have to be OK several years later. Try something new !


I am a thinker and I like working with my intellect. Besides holding a pen, using my voice and working on the computer there are not a lot of physical skills I am able to use in a work environment. Everyone must do the things he is talented in !


If you put me behind a desk and close the door for the day, you are lucky if I am still alive at the end of the day. I like the interaction with people; in meetings, visits, coffee machine-chats or in the pub or restaurant during lunch or after work. Don't put me away. Although I prefer to work alone I need those breaks and interactions to recharge the batteries. Also being a sounding board or trust person is something I love to do: I am critical but tactful and I know how to handle these situations. Communication with others is something I excel at; especially in writing. I really like to produce great letters, reports, memos etcetera not just for the sake of producing it, but to reach goals effectively and efficiently.


I am not the person to deal with practical things or to perform executive tasks. These are boring and often based on routine. This is why I hated (excuse me: "disliked") the execution of regulations. I want to make the policy myself and to rethink routine and useless prohibitions. I need a vision, statement, mission etcetera. Why am I doing this and is there a better way to deal with this. Learn new things and keep my mind alive.


In conflict situations I do not feel comfortable. I am always looking for a solution and how to continue a good working relationship. But when my vital interests are at stake I can be a fighter and will not let go. You can't say I have not warned you !


What I have learned over the years is that there is no end to learning. Your interests change; the world is not waiting for you, you have to catch up and stay on top of things. I also like to learn new things and new skills. Most important though is not what you can do, but who you are. And I still amaze myself.


No stuffy office buildings please. It has to be open, light and dynamic (literally and metaphorically); in the center, not on the outskirts (also literally and metaphorically). Work environment is very important to me; I felt often enough left outside - I want to participate !


Often I have to think things through; not to make decisions too swiftly. To be able to put something away for a moment or two and in the meantime my intuition tells me whether it is OK or whether something has to be changed. Because of my experience and strong intuition I can rely on my own judgment, but it often needs some time and/or a nights' sleep.


My own projects to work on and, preferably, my own decisions to make. Of course you are part of an organisation and you respect the rules of the game, but being incorporated in bureaucratic decision-making procedures and being completely dependant on the input of others for every step you take and every decision you make is for me not ideal, to say it mildly. Give me some space to breath !


It may not come as a surprise; this component is very important to me. In fact it is the only constant factor in my career. I do not want to get stuck to one single place or country; the world is larger and I want to enjoy it. This does not mean that I want to travel the whole time (although "Tapetenwechsel" some time, would be nice), but it means that there should be an outlook on and interaction with global or at least European developments. It is not difficult for me to adapt to a different environment; I can easily find me way anywhere and I know my languages. Because I do not have people who depend on me, I am mobile and flexible.


It is obvious that I do not like to work in an environment which does not accept me for who I am. Of course you could say that I should ignore this and be simply myself. You are right, but I am not a crusader and I have to pick my battles. I am not Don Quichote fighting the windmills.


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